Our School

Hollywood hills school front

Welcome to Hollywood Hill Elementary

Mission: Our foundations of relationships grounds our learning to positively impact each student, every day.

Dedicated teaching professionals who care about the academic and social welfare of children are a hallmark of our school. We believe in the power of working together, and it is a sentiment we carry forward in all we do. The heart of our school improvement plan depends on collaboration between grade level colleagues to study our teaching in service of student learning. Teams meet to plan instruction, share resources and build common expectations of student performance. Our continued goal is to refine our teaching to meet individual and collective needs of all students.

We also strive to create a well-rounded learning environment for our students. Hollywood Hill has a wide variety of enrichment opportunities during and after school including a variety of arts, academic and social enrichment opportunities throughout the day. Parents are welcomed as a part of these opportunities.

Additionally, a clear strength of our school is our Special Education Programs. We are fortunate to have Phonology, a Learning Center, and Mid-Level Blended programs at Hollywood Hill. Students with special needs are provided specialized instruction and included in general education classrooms with the support of special education teachers and paraprofessionals. This program creates rich opportunities for our school community to explore and understand aspects of diversity, providing a richer experience for all students and families.

We are also home to the district's ECEAP program. A state funded preschool program where we serve our littlest learners giving them a jumpstart on school!

School Improvement

Our School Improvement Plan is a living document based on school-wide improvement goals with individual grade level components feeding into the broad school goal. This year we focused our attention in the area of writing. Below are the simplified steps in our process.

Our goal with this inquiry cycle is to look for patterns of achievement and need with individual as well as groups of students. We focus our teaching on those patterns within individual grade levels and classrooms, sometimes through whole group instruction but more frequently through small, differentiated groups.

Short-term improvement goals are set and monitored throughout the school year, so we can adjust our plans based on student progress. This process gives us the best opportunity to improve achievement, because it allows us to adapt to the emergent as well as established needs of our students.

  1. Pose the question: What are our students' learning needs?
  2. Analyze the data (state, district, grade level) assessments
  3. Identify specific area of need based on data,
  4. Design a plan to meet the identified need
  5. Implement the plan for improvement
  6. Monitor the plan using student achievement data generated at predetermined intervals (progress monitoring)
  7. Return to step #2 in order to analyze collected data and continue the process 

School Performance Reports & Action Plans

Reports & Demographics

Community Involvement

Hollywood Hill is fortunate to have high levels of parent and community participation. Volunteers are a vital part of our continued success. Whether taking part in regular classroom routines, leading lunchtime activities like math club or team, working with students in the classroom assisting with literacy or math activities, planning special PTA or parent events, leading enrichment activities or helping to develop a new innovative project, we welcome your involvement in our school community.

Parents serve on a variety of school committees. From PTA to our Art Docent program to Math and Chess Clubs, the participation by parents at Hollywood Hill is outstanding. We appreciate our active and incredibly supportive PTA that provides funds and support to the school for things such as assemblies, classroom supplies, playground and PE equipment, field trips and guest classroom speakers. In addition to volunteering in your child’s classroom, there are numerous opportunities provided by our school and PTA for more involvement at Hollywood Hill.


Facility Information

Hollywood Hill was built in 1980 on 13.7 acres. The one story school, tucked away in the trees, contains 27 teaching stations including 23 classrooms, gym, music room, library and computer lab. In 2002, an office remodel was completed which provided a new front entry with parent parking lot access, updated and modernized office spaces, health room and a teacher workroom. Local youth sports, scouts and adult recreation leagues are also accommodated on our campus. These groups accumulate thousands of hours of building use each year.