When Should my Student Stay Home


Because students can be sick due to do reasons other than Covid, please see below for guidelines that the school nurse uses to evaluate students who may need to go home. If your child has any of these symptoms below, please keep them home until the symptoms subside.

APPEARANCE/BEHAVIOR: unusually tired, difficult to wake, pale in color, irritable, lack of appetite; these are often signs of underlying illness.

FEVER: temperature of 100 degrees or higher. Child may be sent home without a fever if other symptoms are present. Your child must be fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications) before they can return to school.

SORE THROAT: especially with fever and/or swollen glands.

EYES: discharge, swelling, redness, itchiness, pain, and/or crusting may be signs of conjunctivitis. Medical evaluation may be necessary.

NASAL DRAINAGE/COUGH: yellow or green nasal drainage, and/or cough, may prevent your child or other students from being able to concentrate. They may expose others to illness, especially if they cannot control their secretions.

VOMITING/DIARRHEA: Your child must not have any episodes of vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before they can return to school.

RASH: any rash of unknown cause should be considered contagious. Please have your child examined by a health care provider to determine the cause and communicability of the rash before returning to school. The school may require a note from the health care provider stating that the rash is not contagious.

It is not unusual for student to feel great in the morning and then worse as the day goes by. The school is not equipped for prolonged care of your sick student. We require that you or an emergency contact will pick up your sick child within the hour that you are called. Please notify your school of any changes to your emergency contacts, it is important to have a list of available contacts if we are not able to reach you.

Thank you for helping us keep our schools safe and healthy.