Student Handbook
Hollywood Hill Student and Family Handbook
If you are interested in the Rights and Responsibilities handbook for the Northshore School District please use the following link. NSD Rights & Responsibilities
Hollywood Hill Student and Family Handbook
- Mission and Vision
- Attendence
- Health
- Emergency Information
- Transportation
- General Information
- Student Programs
- Extra-curricular Opportunities
- NSD Nondscrimination Statement
Mission and Vision
At Hollywood Hill Elementary, our foundation of relationships grounds our learning to positively impact each student, every day.
Our actions are grounded in a strong belief in the capacity of every student to achieve academic and social-emotional success that prepares them to thrive in a world yet to be imagined.
Daily attendance and active participation in class is a critical part of the learning process. When students are absent, they miss important information and lose key skills. Developing the habit of good attendance prepares students for success on the job and in life. We want your student to be successful!
Absences. When your child is absent or will be late to school phone the office to let us know. Our attendance line is 425-408-4710. Feel free to leave a message anytime, day or night. If we have not heard from you, the office will contact you. An absence will remain unexcused until contact is made with a parent.
Excused absences (illness/medical). Every day of school is important to the education of your child, but a child should not be sent to school if he/she shows any sign of illness. If your child has had a temperature, please wait until it is normal (98.6) for 24 hours before sending him/her back to school. Students well enough to come to school will be considered well enough to go outside for recess and participate in physical education class. Please call 425-408-4710 to report all absences.
Vacations/Trips. Vacations are highly discouraged during school times. Students gone for 20 or more days will be un-enrolled. The way curriculum is presented now; it is very challenging to assign a packet of work while your child is away. The majority of our students’ learning is through collaboration, conversation, and problem solving. Not worksheets or assignments. Our teachers will do their best to make accommodations while your child is gone, but please know there will be things missed that cannot be made up. Teachers will do their best to support your child when they return.
Early dismissal. To ensure that only an authorized person takes a child from school, a note from home must be cleared through the office before the child can be released. A child dismissed prior to the regular dismissal time must be met in the office and signed out by a parent, guardian, or authorized adult. Please come to the office and we will call your child from the classroom. Please try to limit disruption to the learning day.
Tardiness. Students are considered tardy if they are not inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings at 9:30 a.m. Tardy students must check in at the office to receive a late slip before going to class. Please be conscientious about on-time arrival so that students hear opening announcements about the day’s events and begin their school day with the rest of the class. Teachers appreciate students arriving to class on time as late entry disrupts activities that have already begun.
Student withdrawal. If you are planning to move, please call the office. You may obtain a copy of your child’s immunization record from our office to facilitate enrollment at a new school, and other records will be sent after a request is received from the new school. Advance notice is appreciated.
Health room. Our Registered Nurse serves our building full time each day. Her duties are diverse, from administering first aid and necessary medication to monitoring the general health and well-being of our students. Our health room is used for emergency care and for ill students awaiting pick-up. Space and personnel are not available to accommodate extended care or supervision.
Accidents. If a child is injured at school, the nurse, principal, secretary, or a health room assistant trained in first aid will provide emergency first aid. The parents will be called immediately. If a parent cannot be reached, the person listed as first emergency contact will be called. If no one is available to come for the child, we will use our best judgment on whether to call for emergency medical aid.
Your assistance in providing complete and up-to-date information for our records is imperative, especially current work phone numbers and emergency contacts. We keep records on any child who has serious health concerns that may require immediate attention or medication. Please keep us informed of your child’s health status so we can help when necessary.
Immunizations. For the protection of your child, the Washington school immunization law requires that your child be properly immunized. This must be done before the first day of school.
Medications. The following requirements must be met for medications administered during school. This applies to ongoing daily medications, inhalers, and emergency medications such as bee sting kits and Benadryl for allergic reactions.
· Specific written directions and instructions from the doctor must be on file for the current school year.
· Authorization from parent/guardian must also be on file.
· Children with life-threatening conditions (i.e. bee sting allergies, peanut allergies, diabetes) must have their medications and care plan in place at school before they can attend.
· Send medication in a labeled prescription bottle (no more than a month’s supply at a time). Ask the pharmacy for an extra bottle for school use. All medication is kept locked in the nurse’s office.
· If your student is taking medication throughout the school year, please ask your pharmacist for an extra-labeled bottle (or send one of your extra bottles) so that it can be used for field trips. Inhalers are sent on field trips.
· If your doctor adjusts the dosage or frequency of administration, you must inform us in writing.
· “Authorization for Medication” forms are available from the nurse.
For either prescription or over-the-counter medication, the school must have a current request from the parent or guardian, accurately labeled medication, and an order from the health care provider. For short term medications, such as cold medications or antibiotics, the nurse at school can receive phone or FAX orders from the student’s doctor, dentist, or other medical provider to verify the medication order. This applies only to medication to be given at school less than 15 consecutive school days. Medication sent to school in baggies will not be given under any circumstances.
All medication will be taken in the nurse’s office under staff supervision. School personnel will not administer medication by injection except under predetermined, life-threatening circumstances.
When possible, we ask that you adjust the times of your child’s medication so it can be given before or after school hours under supervision of the parent or guardian.
Vision, hearing, and scoliosis screening. These screenings are given each fall to all students in various grades. Our school nurse will notify you only if your child shows the need for further evaluation.
Student Insurance. Student accident insurance is offered at reasonable rates. Information is sent home in the parent packet the first week of school. If you do not receive it, please contact the nurse at 425-408-4706.
Emergency Information
Early dismissal plan. On rare occasions, power outages or extreme weather conditions may cause early dismissal. If school is ever closed because of an emergency prior to normal closing time, it would be challenging to reach all parents. Therefore, each child must know what to do in case parents are not home or immediately available. Please discuss and periodically review your family safety plan so each student knows whether to go home or to a neighbor’s house and what to do until parents arrive home. For all activities we ask for a “cancelled session plan” for when there is a last-minute cancellation of the extra-curricular activity. Please indicate the specific plan (ex: “bus 149” rather than “normal routine”). This advance planning will assure safety and peace of mind.
Ice and snow. Our first concern is always the safety of the children. Should parents feel ice and snow conditions are too hazardous, they may keep their children home, and an excused absence will be given. In hazardous weather, bus drivers may eliminate portions of a route if, in their judgment, it is unsafe to travel particular roads. Time will also vary in getting students home during extreme weather conditions.
In the event of ice or snow, please do not call the school office. This ties up phone lines needed for emergencies. Families will receive a telephone message if there is a change to the school schedule. Please listen to your radio, watch TV, or call the 24-hour Northshore School District information line, 425-408-6001, for closure information. Closure information will also be posted on the district’s website,
If Northshore School District is not mentioned during a newscast, Northshore schools are open and buses are operating as normal a schedule as possible. If Northshore is mentioned during a newscast, it will refer to one of the following situations:
1) “Emergency schedule.” This means school will begin two hours late. In this situation, students should never be dropped off at school prior to 11:00 a.m. There will be no elementary band, orchestra, or before school activities.
2) “All Northshore schools are closed.” This is determined on a day-to-day basis, and parents should listen each morning for information. When school is closed (or closes early), all after school, evening, and athletic events will be canceled.
3) “All Northshore schools are open but there is limited bus transportation.” This means the weather conditions are such that the buses are only able to pick up students at main intersections. The NSD transportation website will provide your “limited bus transportation” stop.
Drills. We run safety drills each month. Please reiterate to your student, the number one expectation in any emergency is to listen to the adults in charge.
During an actual incident, no one will be allowed in or out until an all-clear signal is given. The district will make every effort to communicate the status of students to parents and the community during such an incident. Hollywood Hill has a comprehensive safety plan. Please keep all emergency and health information up to date. Student dismissal will be systemized for safety and students will only be released to adults who are listed as an emergency contact.
Bicycle riding/skateboarding. Due to narrow and hilly road conditions and poor visibility, riding bicycles, scooters, skateboards, etc. to and from school is not considered a safe mode of transportation. Students should walk or take the school bus provided by the district. Skateboarding, skates, scooters, and roller blades are prohibited on school grounds.
Bus standards. The majority of our students ride the school bus. From a safety standpoint, proper behavior must be adhered to at the bus stop and during the bus ride. Students are expected to obey the bus driver’s directions and follow all bus rules. Failure to do so will result in the driver issuing a “bus ticket” and may lead to loss of bus riding privileges. Parents will be notified by the transportation department of the infractions and consequences. Your help in keeping us informed of behavior contributing to unsafe conditions is appreciated. Please note that using electronic devices such as phones, iPods, game devices, etc. are not allowed on the bus or at school. Cell phones must be kept inside backpacks and only used when the student is off campus and off the bus.
Changing after school plans. If your child needs to take a bus other than his or her regularly assigned one, please send a note to your child’s teacher stating the name and address of the alternate destination and the bus number serving that route. The teacher will send the student to the office where the office staff will then write a bus pass that your child will give to the bus driver. Please note: All bus passes must be obtained prior to 2:00 p.m. There are often a limited number of passes allowed and some buses that do not allow passes at all. Advanced notice is helpful. Scout meetings, birthday parties, or other regular transportation changes need to be arranged through the school district transportation department (425-408-7900). For safety reasons, students without notes must take their regular bus home from school.
An established after school routine is an important part of a child’s stability. If you do need to change your student’s normal routine, please do so by writing a note to inform the teacher of the change. Students may not stay on campus after dismissal time. They are welcome to return after arriving home, but supervision after school is a parental responsibility. Students returning with bikes should not ride on the sidewalks or in the parking lots.
Traffic flow procedures. Procedures for driving students to and from Hollywood Hill Elementary are as follows:
Enter the front entrance parking lot slowly. Enter the loading zone (between the cross walk and end of the yellow zone) to drop off/pick up children. Then carefully circle around to the left to exit.
Please DO:
· Follow the directions of the staff in the loading/unloading zone.
· Have students enter/exit cars from the right (curb) side only.
· Drop students off and pick them up in the marked loading zone only.
· Use the crosswalk. Always accompany children crossing to parked cars.
· Have students wait on the sidewalk until the car has stopped for pick up.
· Use extreme caution on campus; speed limit is 5 mph. Be aware of pedestrians.
· Yield to busses and give them the space needed to get onto campus.
Please DO NOT:
· Drop off or pick up students outside of the loading zone.
· Drop off or pick up in the back parking lot or other non-supervised areas such as the flagpole area or behind the library.
· Leave car unattended in the loading zone.
· Park in the fire lane or block the neighborhood houses’ driveways.
· Drive the wrong way into the oncoming traffic lanes on school property.
Before school supervision. The playground is supervised from 9:00 a.m. until the bell rings at 9:21 a.m. Students should go to their classroom lines to drop off backpacks and then go straight to the playground or, if having breakfast, the gym. A bell is rung at 9:21 to indicate students should line up on the playground and walk to the classroom line-up spots near the classrooms. Students should report to the office for a tardy slip if they are arriving after the 9:25 bell.
After school guidelines. Please follow these guidelines:
· Buses: Students walk with their teachers to the bus loading area, immediately join their bus line ready to board the bus. Quiet voices and appropriate behavior are expected while waiting in the bus line. “Cuts” in line are not allowed, but students may move to the end of the line (once) to join a friend.
· Students picked up by parents: Parents should arrive promptly at 3:55 p.m. M, T, TH, F and 2:25 on early release Wednesday to pick up students. Please note the district calendar for information on the few non-early release Wednesdays.
· Walkers: Students walking home are to leave the school grounds immediately and go directly to his or her home.
· Dogs are not allowed on campus before, during, or after school.
Movement on campus. For students’ safety, they are expected to walk, rather than run, on walkways. For a safe traffic pattern, they stay to the right. Students are expected to follow these procedures:
· Before school, go directly from the bus to drop off backpack and then directly to the supervised playground.
· At the end of each recess, stop playing immediately when they hear the bell, carry all balls and equipment, and walk quietly to their classroom line up spots at the recess fence.
· During recess, remain in supervised areas.
General Information
Behavior Expectations. Our school uses a school-wide positive behavior system (PBIS-Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) to focus on the whole child; fostering student pride in self, pride in school, and pride in community. This model focuses on building positive relationships and having consistent explicit expectations throughout the school and provides students foundational skills to be successful, productive, informed, caring citizens. Social-emotional skills are part of this program as well. Our expectations are to be safe, respectful and responsible.
Communications and reporting. Effective communication between school and home contributes to quality education. We encourage you to contact the school by phone, email, or note should a concern arise. Please keep in mind, however, the importance of helping your child become an independent problem solver. Please also consider teachers’ needs to balance communication and problem solving with their need to spend time planning and preparing for effective daily lessons. Every effort is made at Hollywood Hill to keep parents well informed about school procedures, policies, events, and special issues regarding individual students. Most of the written communication from school will come in the via “kid mail” or via email.
Curriculum nights. In the fall, each classroom teacher will conduct a grade level curriculum night for families. The teachers will share grade-level standards, behavior expectations, and curriculum for the coming school year. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend these informative meetings.
Curriculum and standards. The Northshore School District has adopted curriculum materials for elementary grades in math, science, reading, language arts, spelling & vocabulary, and health. These materials, as well as specific units and themes, will be shared at grade level curriculum night in September. School district standards are aligned with the Common Core State Standards. If you are interested in seeing the list of curriculum materials, district standards, and/or essential leanings, please visit the NSD website.
Dress. Students are expected to dress in a manner that does not disrupt the educational process. Modesty and respect are the best guides when determining what is appropriate and not appropriate for an educational environment. For example, obscene language on clothing, drug or alcohol-related messages, and gang-related or hate group apparel are not allowed. Short shorts and short skirts, as well as revealing tops such as midriff tops, low cut tank tops, halter-tops, and any beachwear are not appropriate for school. Any style of dress that reveals undergarments is not acceptable.
· Additionally, make up is discouraged. Pajamas are also not school-appropriate, unless the principal or a teacher has established a specific guideline for a classroom celebration. Children are allowed to wear hats to school, but specific classrooms may make their own rules regarding their use. Students need to wear appropriate shoes for PE activities and recess. Heelys/shoes with rollers are not allowed.
· Children have recess regardless of weather conditions. It is advisable to wear warm, water-resistant clothing during the long rainy season. Water-resistant jackets and hats/hoods are required for outside play during recess when it is raining.
Electronics Policy. If a student has a cell phone at school, it must be kept in backpacks and turned off at all times. Parents who need to contact their child should do so through the office (425-408-4700). All other electronic devices (iPods, kindles, headphones, etc.) are permitted on campus with teacher and/or principal permission. Due to safety and privacy protection, at no time are students allowed to take photos of other students during the school day. Any disruptive cell phones or other devices will be held in the office for parents to come pick up.
Exchange of money, goods, services. School is not a place for students to buy/sell/trade items from/to/with other students. Money for field trips, spirit wear, or other school sponsored activities will be handled by the classroom teacher and office.
Holidays and classroom celebrations. Please consult with your child’s teacher regarding classroom celebrations. Due to health concerns, please avoid bringing food items to the classroom to celebrate. Please do not send balloon or flower bouquets to school. They are not allowed on buses and are easily damaged at school. It is preferred that invitations for out of school birthday celebrations be privately communicated outside of the school (email, evite, etc.). If that is not possible, invitations should be discretely distributed at school.
Homework. Homework becomes an increasing part of the students’ responsibility as they progress through school. Reading should occur nightly. Homework may be modified based on your child’s specific learning needs. Additionally, if your child is struggling with an assignment for more than 15 minutes, stop, initial it and send the teacher a note so the skill can be retaught and practiced at school again.
Students not completing regular assignments during the school day may be asked to complete unfinished work at home. Students are not expected to do work that has not been taught or discussed in the classroom. Practicing consistent, productive study habits is an important goal, but should not consume your family time, which is essential as well.
Library. We have a wonderful school library that contains more than 13,000 books. All grades have a regularly scheduled library class, and books can be checked out at the end of class, at recess, or with a pass from the classroom teacher. Books can also be checked out at the nearby public library. Students have access to e-books and audio books for free through KCLS. Go to to use this resource. We encourage you and your child to take advantage of these opportunities in order to stimulate interest and enthusiasm in reading for both pleasure and fun!
Lost and Found. Lost and found items are periodically donated to charity. It is amazing to see the quantity of jackets, sweatshirts, hats, etc. that quickly find their way to the Lost and Found rack starting in early fall. Please encourage your child to look for misplaced clothing as soon as possible. We also encourage you to stop and take a look at any time during a normally scheduled school day. The rack is located in the foyer between the gym and music room. Writing your child's name on the inside label in permanent marker helps teacher and child match clothing to the proper owner, and is greatly appreciated.
Meals. A nutritious and well-balanced breakfast and lunch are served each day. With our Bank-a-Meal program, you may open an account in your child’s name at the beginning of the school year. Please open the account with a minimum of $10.00. When your child buys a meal, the cost will be deducted from his or her account. If your child brings a lunch, the account will not be charged that day. If you have more than one child at Hollywood Hill, you may write one check, but you must specify how the cook should divide the funds. Siblings may not borrow from each other’s cards. Students who bring sack lunches can open an account to purchase milk or water if they wish.
Free and reduced breakfast and lunch are available to qualifying families. Application forms in English and Spanish are available in the office. Students who qualify will be issued a card for their daily use after completion of forms and approval by Northshore School District’s Food Service.
Northshore also has a credit card payment system for school meals. You can either log in to, or call 1-888-994-5100 to make credit card payments. The Parent Account Management System (PAMS) allows for credit card payments for meals 24/7; schedule of automatic payments based on account balance; review of cafeteria purchases online and email notification of account balances. You must set up an account using one of the approved credit cards to check account balances or payment history. PayPAMS program accepts Mastercard, Discover and Visa. PayPAMS will charge $1.95 per payment transaction for a processing fee. Fees are not charged when a family pays by cash or check (made out to the Northshore School District) at school. The student ID number should be included with all payments.
If your child forgets lunch money and is out of money on the Bank-a-Meal card, the child will receive an emergency lunch. If your child’s account is in the negative for a few days, you will receive a letter and should send in money to bring your account balance into the positive AND provide additional funds for your child’s successive lunches.
When it is time to make another payment towards Bank-a-Meal, your child will be given a reminder in the Bank-a-Meal envelope. Please use the new envelope to make the next deposit to the account.
Newsletters. A monthly newsletter, Hollywood Hill Happenings, is available online at the Hollywood Hill Elementary website and emailed to families every other week. This is our primary vehicle for communicating to parents, and we encourage you to read it and call if additional information is needed. We do a joint newsletter with PTA, scroll down for PTA information! Additional fliers are sent home with the youngest child in each family to provide more detailed information about upcoming events.
Pets. Dogs, no matter how friendly and gentle, can be a danger on a school playground full of children. Please help us ensure the safety of students by keeping dogs at home. We will call Animal Control to pick up stray animals that appear on campus. Do not send any pet to school without consent from administration and the teacher as proper district guidelines need to be followed.
PTA. Hollywood Hill is fortunate to have an active and involved PTA. Many enriching activities are provided using parent volunteers. In addition, resources are made available to teachers through PTA funds and programs. We encourage your involvement. Please see the PTA website at for more information throughout the school year.
Report cards. The school year is divided into semesters with quarterly reports.
The standards-based report card provides parents with three types of information about their student:
1. Behaviors that promote learning such as effort, participation and cooperation. These areas are scored with a letter scale, as follows: C=consistently, O=often, S=sometimes, R=rarely.
2. Academic performance related to the state and district learning standards in each subject area such as reading, writing and math. Academic areas are scored on a scale of 4 to 1, exceeds standard to below standard.
3. Progress will tell families how much growth during the trimester the student has demonstrated. Progress will be reported with a plus (++ = significant), check (+ = steady), or minus (- = little or no progress).
You are encouraged to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about the report card or your child’s progress.
Student placement procedure. In mid-May, parents have the opportunity to submit input forms to the principal regarding placement for the following year. In early June, the principal meets with teachers at each grade level to begin class formations for the next school year. Facts such as academic abilities, behavior, personality, and social mix will be considered. Students are grouped carefully to create balanced classes and to match learning needs with teaching styles. This year’s teacher will make a careful judgment on placement based on school behavior and learning needs observed throughout the year. Specific teacher requests are not accepted. Your trust and support in the placement decision is extremely important to your child’s success and to their sense of your confidence in their adaptability.
Supplies. A list of recommended school supplies by grade level is sent home with the June report card. The current supply list is available on the Hollywood Hill Elementary website and paper copies are available in the office. Recommended supplies are available to any student with financial need through the office. Donations are appreciated.
Telephone messages. Our telephone lines are quite busy, and though we hope you feel free to call at any time, we encourage written communication whenever possible. Please avoid calling school with messages for your child and make arrangements at home prior to school whenever possible. This will limit classroom disruptions and lighten the load of our busy office. We must limit student use of the telephone to emergency situations only.
Toys, valuables, and distracting items. Students are not allowed to bring expensive items (Apple watch, iPod, electronic games, etc.) to school. The school will not take responsibility for possessions, as they may become lost, damaged, or stolen. Arrangements must be made with the teacher before bringing “show and tell” articles of value. Toys or other items that causes disruption or annoyance in the classroom or on the playground are to be left at home. Any item brought to school without permission from the teacher and/or principal, and which causes a disturbance, will be taken from the student. The item will be returned to the parent. Phones and cameras are not to be used during the school day.
Visiting school. Parents are always welcome to visit our school. All visitors must sign in at the office where they will be issued a visitor’s badge. Even if it is a quick visit or you are a frequent visitor, all adults must sign in and wear a badge.
We ask that parents exercise careful judgment and avoid frequent or lengthy visits. Providing your child privacy and independence at school sends a positive message about their self-reliance and your confidence in the teacher. If you wish to visit a class, please make arrangements with the teacher at least 24 hours in advance.
During class time, the teacher is too busy with students for much conversation. Dropping into classrooms with quick messages or a lunch for students or a note for teachers can be very disruptive. Please see the office for these needs. Teachers will be happy to confer with parents before or after school. Contact your child’s teacher to communicate if you would like a meeting.
Volunteers. The talents, expertise, and interest of parents who volunteer at school enhance our students’ lives. There are opportunities for parents to assist in the library, health room, classrooms, learning center, and with many all-school programs. You will sign up for classroom volunteering with your child’s teacher. Prior to volunteering, you will be asked to sign up for volunteer training and it is only necessary to attend one training. Volunteer paperwork must be up-to-date (renewed every two years). Paperwork packets are available in the office.
Parent volunteers are asked to carefully consider issues of confidentiality. We also ask your help in maintaining a school environment that is warm and respectful and teaches students independence and personal responsibility. Thank you in advance to all the wonderful volunteers who contribute to the success of our school programs by volunteering.
Yearly standardized assessment. In addition to classroom-based assessments, there are state required tests given for 3-5th grade. Students will take the Smarter Balanced Assessment(SBA) in English Language Arts and Math. Additionally, Fifth graders will take an assessment in science. Please be sure to check the newsletter for the dates of these tests so that you can support your child by providing plenty of rest the night before.
Student Programs
Assemblies. Assemblies are scheduled throughout the year to provide cultural enrichment, promote our school-wide character and behavior goals and to provide opportunities for student performance. Assembly topics vary year-to-year.
Music education. As a part of the general education curriculum, students in grades K-5 enjoy music classes twice a week. The comprehensive program is designed to identify, encourage, and develop students’ musical abilities and help students understand and appreciate this form of the arts. Evening musical performances are scheduled periodically during the year, and all students are encouraged to participate in the performances.
Physical education. All students in grades K-5 have physical education taught twice a week by a P.E. specialist. If your child has a medical problem, please inform us of necessary modifications. A note from home is necessary to excuse a child from participation. Students are also expected to dress in a manner that makes participation possible.
Student Leadership. The Leadership Class is organized to foster positive leadership, student involvement in decision-making, and school pride. The leadership students plan activities and works with the entire student body and with teachers to bring about better relations in our school.
Extra-curricular Opportunities
Instrumental music. NSD offers music for 4th and 5th graders. These classes are held before school at Timbercrest or Leota Middle School. Students ride the middle school buses to band/orchestra and are then transported back by bus to Hollywood Hill Elementary. There is no charge for this program, but students must provide their own instruments. Information regarding dates and times is sent home at the beginning of the school year or can be obtained by contacting Timbercrest or Leota Middle School.
In addition to before school Elementary Band (students in grade 5) and Orchestra (students in grades 4 & 5) offered in district level, at Hollywood Hill, chorus and marimba ensemble are available to students in the intermediate grades.
Hollywood Hill Chorus
The goal of the chorus is to sing a wide variety of music and to represent Hollywood Hill Elementary and Northshore School District through stellar performances, courteous behavior, and thoughtful artistry.
Hollywood Hill Marimba Ensemble
All students in 4th and 5th grade are invited to join the Hollywood Hill Marimba Ensemble! The group will play for various events at school as well as outside of school. Students will have the opportunity to build skills on barred instruments with mallets and learn music in various styles.
Intramurals. Intramural programs are sometimes offered to students as an enrichment program at predetermined times during the year and are designed to allow for all ability levels to participate, receive instruction, and play low-level competition. The emphasis of the intramural programs is on participation, skill development, teamwork, sportsmanship, and fun.
Math Club. Hollywood Hill offers a math club for students, usually during lunch, 1-2 days a week when there are parent volunteers to run the club(s). The goal of the math club is to stimulate children's mathematical curiosity, and to foster imagination and creative problem solving skills. In addition to stretching individual minds, students will work in teams to solve complex problems.
PTA-sponsored activities. PTA sponsors a number of enjoyable and enriching activities. PTA family nights are scheduled throughout the year, and speakers on topics of interest to parents are also included. Watch for information about these events in the PTA newsletter and on the PTA website.
School service opportunities. A number of school service groups are available to students. It is our hope that involvement in these groups will encourage students to take pride in our school and to help set high standards and personal expectations for our student body. Examples of student support groups are safety patrol, morning mentors, stage crew, and cook’s assistants. Involvement in all after-school programs is dependent upon students maintaining grades commensurate with their ability and appropriate citizenship.
NSD Nondscrimination Statement
The Northshore School District is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and prohibits discrimination in all its employment procedures, training, educational programs, and extracurricular activities on the basis of age, sex, marital status, genetic information, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, race, creed, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged unlawful discrimination: Dr. Chris Bigelow, Student Services Director, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell, WA 98021, 425-408-7726.